Marketing 101 for Esthetician Schools

Young woman using laser epilation machine in beauty salon

There is no question that in order to be successful, an esthetician school must have a comprehensive marketing plan. Without an effective marketing strategy, potential students may not be aware of the school’s existence, which could impact enrollment numbers and revenue. In this guide, we’ll cover some of the basics of marketing esthetician schools. Keep reading to learn some tips for marketing your school.

Utilize Signage


An essential marketing basic for esthetician schools is to use signage to promote your school. This could be a simple banner or sign placed near the entrance of your school or a more elaborate sign that hangs above the door. Either way, the goal is to get your school’s name and logo in front of as many people as possible.

You can also use signage to promote special events or programs that you’re offering. For example, if you’re running a special promotion on school uniforms, you can create a sign advertising that deal. Or if you’re holding a free skin consultation day, you can promote that on a sign as well.

You can even use a vehicle wrap as signage to promote your esthetician school. A vehicle wrap is a great way to get your school’s name and logo in front of potential students. It can also help you build brand awareness and promote your school’s unique selling points. And, because vehicle wraps are eye-catching and attention-grabbing, they can help you stand out from the competition. If you’re thinking about using a vehicle wrap to promote your esthetician school, consider looking into Wrap Garage for your promotional vehicle wrap.

Whenever you create a new sign, be sure to update your website and social media pages with photos of the new signage. This will help to get the word out to even more people.

Maintain an Updated, Optimized Website


Your website is one of your most important marketing tools. It’s the first impression many people will have of your school, and it’s where potential students will go to learn more about your programs and admission requirements. So it’s crucial to make sure your website is up to date and optimized.

First, make sure your website is mobile-friendly. More and more people are accessing websites on their smartphones and tablets, so it’s necessary that your website is responsive and looks good on all devices.

Next, optimize your website for search engines. Make sure your website is well-written and includes keywords that potential students might search for. You should also update your website regularly. Keep your website fresh and up-to-date with news, events, and other important information.

Remember to use high-quality images. Images can help make your website more visually appealing, and they also help to explain your programs and services. Videos are another excellent way to introduce potential students to your school and show them what it’s like to study at your school.

If you follow these steps, your website will be up-to-date and optimized, and it will be more effective in attracting potential students to your school.

Promote on Social Media


Almost every business has a social media profile now, and esthetician schools should follow suit. Make sure to create profiles for your school on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Use hashtags to help people find your school, and post interesting and engaging content regularly. You can also run social media ads to help promote your school.

It’s also vital to engage with your followers and potential students. Respond to comments and questions, and run contests and giveaways. By promoting your school on social media, you can reach a larger audience and attract more students.

Market your Esthetician School

Overall, marketing is an important aspect of any business, and an esthetician school is no exception. By understanding these basics of marketing, schools can create an effective marketing strategy that will help them to reach their goals.