3 Corporate SEO Tips for Beginners

Dices on a table Spelling SEO

You can find lots of proof that SEO is crucial for businesses in the digital age. It can boost your traffic, build trust between your organization and your customers, and the results of a good SEO campaign are tangible. The benefits of SEO for sites just starting out or for smaller, local businesses are obvious, but what about for larger, well-established corporations? It may be easy to think that these larger entities don’t need to worry as much about SEO efforts. After all, they already have well-established brands and a large customer base. But the truth is that even these organizations can benefit greatly from corporate seo

When SEO efforts are ignored, even the biggest companies can begin to stagnate. They’ll remain at their current level of visibility in SERPs (search engine results pages), and they may even begin to drop as their competitors continue to rise in the rankings. If a large corporation isn’t already ranking in the top, or at least one of the top results, then they already have an immediate need to begin focusing their efforts on SEO. Dropping further could have significant impacts on their bottom line. The following are some crucial SEO steps for corporations to maintain and improve their presence in the market.

Update your website

Keeping your site regularly updated is important for both your customers and for search engines. Failing to add more content means your site will go stale in customers’ eyes, and search engines won’t have anything new to crawl or index. At the very least, your site should be updated with relevant information regarding any changes or improvements to your products and services. It’s also worthwhile to consider updating the overall look of your site. You can usually find ways to improve how you’re funneling users toward conversions (sales, subscriptions, or any of your other goals). Good visual design helps users identify with your brand, and having clear calls to action makes it much easier to engage with and convert users.

Create high-quality content

Speaking of engaging with users, it’s important to make more content than just advertisements about your services. You need to establish your brand as a trusted authority in your industry. You’ll do this by writing content that answers questions or solves problems that your users might have. You’ll show how your products and services are the solutions they need. Articles and blog posts are great for this, but you’ll also need to create some visual content.

These days, people are viewing more than 1 billion hours of video every day on YouTube, and by 2022, it’s estimated that 82% of consumer traffic will be video content. Not taking advantage of these facts would be a huge misstep for any company. Creating videos doesn’t have to be hard. In fact, you could create written and video forms of all your content, so that users can choose which ones they’d rather engage with. Video tutorials about products or services also tend to teach customers significantly more than other methods and can make them more likely to buy.

Friendly design

Having a visually pleasing site with lots of engaging content is important, but it won’t do as much good as it should if your site isn’t designed with search engines in mind. Optimizing for search engines goes beyond using your keywords in your HTML or meta tags. You should use your keyword research to create text links that will help search engines crawl through your site and index your pages logically. Relying on lots of animations or other design elements that are hard for search engines to interpret can hurt your rankings. It’s also crucial for your site to be friendly to all users, which means you’ll need to create and optimize a mobile version of your site.

SEO is an ongoing effort. You’ll need to regularly revise your strategy and update your content to stay at the top of the rankings and expand your brand.